448thBGp Other Crews
History of 448thBGp: http://www.acepilots.com/planes/b24.html
448th Missle Unit
AS SAC: http://www.strategic-air-command.com/Wings/0448bg.htm
As the 715th BSq
TRIBUTE TO CREW 48 Of the 714th BSq; http://www.tributeto448thbgpcrew48.net
As The 448th BGp
Of all the titles I have had in my life the one of which I am most proud is "soldier". 1996 Horace S. Turell This man has taken his final flight. Read his story as a Crew member WW 2.
To "Harold's Tribute to 448thBGp Crew48"
To contact the Webmaster--
* Please bear with the adds. Most will be military related. It pay's Lycos for the Free Space.--Webmaster
24 MAY 2005