Lt. Robert Mains was a pilot of a replacement crew that joined the 448th 714th Sq in Sep 44.
Lt. Robert L. Mains (P) Lt. Allen L. Lake (CP)
Lt. John B. Hankin Jr (N) Lt. Jon W Johnson (B)
Cpl Charles E Culp Jr Cpl Harry G. Allen
Cpl Charles H Daman Cpl Frank S Merkovich
Sgt. Antonio Munoz Jr Cpl Anthony C Villari
were the crew members. (Changes may have been made)
Here is some info I recceived on my father-in-laws last flight.
It is tough to read but if you take time to read the article ED CHU was a tailgunner in the 448th and saw Charlies plane go
downand thought for sure no-one survived. But fortunately for Chuck he was able to jump out of the bomb bay doors and get
his chute to open about 2000ft above ground close but a safe landing even though he was captured by enemy forces. The surviving
member was Charles E Cupp Jr.
The above was sent to me by RIKISIN who's email address is
no longer Valid. If she reads this or anyone happens to recognize her please inform me.