448thBGp Other Crews

Lt. W.A.Warke / Lt.Dupree Crews

715th BGp Crew 108
Crew 27 (Kain)
Crew 57 Lt. MacVean/ Lt Hurley
Crew 73
Warke /Floyd Crews
Mains Crew
CO 714th Sq G.Stringfellow
B24 our Honey
Edward W Cole 343rd
100th/303rd BGp B17
15th AAF Charles O Cole
15th AAF David Aiken
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Lt. Robert T White---Lt.Harry E. Floyd

Your assistance is needed to clarify the positions of these crew members.If any of you have any copies of orders on the crew a copy would be appreciated. The Crew was assigned to 712th in May and 715th in June 44. position in 712th listed prior to name and 715th after the name.Crews did normally not Qualify in this manner.
            Co- Pilot      Lt William A Warke     Pilot
            Bombardier  Lt Robert T. White      Co-Pilot
            Navigator     Lt Edgar  D Scanlon Jr Bombardier
            Pilot            Lt.Henry S. Hasiak     Navigator
                              TSg Robert J Cashin
                             TSg Jerry M. Parsons
                             SSg Robert W Thompson
                             SSg Norman H. Johnson
                            SSg Gordon W. Wright
                            SSg Millard L Brown
 It is very exciting to know that there is someone that wants to preserve the history of the 448th and walked the same ground as my father did during the war. His early death in 1969 meant most of his stories were never told to me.Your site helps to fill that void.When looking back in history many years from now,you,my father and the rest of the brave men and women that preserved our liberty will be looked on in reverence and awe. Your Generation made America the greatest nation in history. S.T. White stwhite@IIc.net or http://www.onemanswar.com

My father in the picture below was recommended by James E. Chancellor Maj. Army Air Corps Executive officer for a commision as a 2/Lt on 30 April 1945. He was a F/O who had been assigned to the 714th Bombardment Group Squadron(H) 448th Bombardment Grop(H) AAF Station 146, on 28 February 1945 in the capacity of a Bombardier on a B 24 aircraft.
Operations Orders 28 Dow Field Bangor Maine 6 Feb. 1945 assighned his crew for B 24 #44-50762 Project No. 92983-R Shipment of Combat Assigned Aircraft to APO No. 16974 BA-62. PCS
Crew was listed as:
Lt.William E. Dupree (P)            Lt. Harold Major Jr. (Co-P)
Lt Charles B. McDonald (N)     F/O Harry E. Floyd (B)
Cpl. Richard U. Sprenkle(Eng) Cpl John D Delong(RO)
Sgt Peter A Tell(G)                      CplWalter A Scheel(CG)
Pvt William A Oiler(CG)              Cpl Paul D Hester(CG)

My father Harry E Floyd Jr is the officer on the left kneeling. Next to him is Harold Major then William Dupree and next is C.B. McDonald. I would be interested if anyone recognizes any of the other crew members. THANK YOU Craig L. Floyd  clf5864@cs.com
God Bless All The Men and Women who protect our freedoms we enjoy today.

Crew Picture

William Dupree

The aircraft was named "Don't Fence Me In". In the picture above is supplied by the pilot Mr.William E Dupree. The Co-pilot Harold Major was lost when flying with another Crew. See other details below--

           Harold Major
In the picture above is Lt.Harry Floyd kneeling on the left hand side and next to him is the co-pilot Hal Major. He was my friend and I would like all who knew him in the service to supply me with any information that will enable me to remember him by placing a website in "Memory of Hal Major Jr." on the web. He and I sat side by side all through our school years----Hal Sweeny
If you have any information  on him please contact me. Hal Major flew with another Crew and they were shot down on 4/4/45 in "Miss B-Haven #42-95620 of the 714th Sq 448th BGp. Seven (7) survived and I would like to contact those crew members --  haleswe@yahoo.com


To "Harold's Tribute to 448thBGp Crew48"

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24 MAY 2005