David McCullough |

david Mccullogh |
Plane and crew is from the 715th Bomb Squadron, 448 BG
Standing (L-R)
*Right Waist Gunner: SSG Joseph Yates Left Waist Gunner: SSG
William Newell Tail Gunner: SSG T.K. Murphy *** Guy in 2nd picture with Mechanics
Nose Gunner: SSG W. Parks *Radio Operator: TSG James McLaughlin
Sitting (L-R)
*Bombardier: 2LT Ralph F. O'Neil *Pilot: 2LT Frank Genarlsky
*Co-Pilot: 2LT Albert A. Pempek ** My Great-Uncle *Engineer:
T/Sgt Paul Novichenk *Navigator: 2LT William A. Ford
This Aircraft number is 42-50820, which was shot down on 6 November 1944 en route to Minden, Germany.
(A gentleman on the webpage was looking for info on this crew, but his email link did not work) the men with asteriks before
their name were on that crew, along with:
Left Waist Gunner: SSG Lewis E. McMahan Tail Turret: SSG Albert
P. Cole Nose Turret: 2LT Alton L. Kraft
The plane took flak in the #2 engine, they jettisoned 2 of the 3 1000 lb bombs and turned towards
England. Not long after, they attempted to land outside Billerbeck. The plane clipped a telephone pole and crash, setting
off the bomb that wasn't jettisoned. The crew was buried in a mass grave. In 1949, their remains were brought back to the
states and interned in Rock Island National Cemetery.
If you require more details on anything please let me know.
Cadet Kyle J. Hatzinger USCC B-2 USMA 2006

I saw this listing of personnel, and thought I would check it against my Master Copy of US Army Graves Registery.
if all the names were of the same crew...the final resting place is not the same for all. Since there were no service
numbers listed, the names that were listed at the orginal burial site were used. Hope this is of some help. Terence
(aka F5G6 member B24bestweb.) Interesting to note they were all temporarily buried at the same place prior to
transfer to permanent burial site's..their orginal burial site was:Nueville-En-Condroz Cemetery, Liege, Belgium. Cole,
Albert P. S/Sgt #12228133 Ford, William A., 2nd.Lt. #0-717420 Genarlsky, Frank R. 1st.Lt. #0-886510 Kraft, Alton
L. 1st.Lt. #0-702055 McLaughlin, James W. T/Sgt #32440514 McMahan, E. Lewis. S/Sgt #18182755 Novichenk, Paul T/Sgt
#15323363 Pempek, Albert A. 2nd.Lt. #0-699905 Yates, Joseph A. S/Sgt #37502761 Final resting place "Rock Island National
Cemetery, Rock Island, Illinois" --------------------- Orginal burial site was: Nueville-En-Condroz Cemetery, Liege,
Belgium. Parks,William J. T/Sgt. #14114961, final resting plane somewhere in the state of Alabama. Murphy,
T.K. S/Sgt (could find no listing,) Orginal burial site was: St.Andre Cemetery, Evreux, France. Newell, William
R. S/Sgt #16035979, final resting place St.Laurent (Permanent Cemetery), St. Laurent, France. Plot "B", Row "7",
Grave# "32"
Contact David McCullogh
Daniel L. Stockton
Harold Q Kennedy
By clicking the above line you will
make contact Via email with the owner of "B24 Best Web" D. Stockton; HQ Kennedy owner of the "Harold's Tribute to the 448th
BGp Crew 48" and David McCullough owber of the pix on OUR HONEY a B 24 of the 713th Bombardment Squadron (H) WW 2. Any information
you can provide would be appreciated.

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