Crew 73 was one of the original crews of the 448th Bombardment Group(H). They had a couple personnel changes
to the makeup of the crew. On their 7th mission they departed Seething on a mission to Mont-de-Marsan,France. They were shot
Some of the crew assisted by the French underground ,Others were hidden by the French. At least one Sgt Aurther F. Mied
was wounded and died in a German Hospital later. Lt. Richard H. Grant
& Sgt. Eddie J. Guidry.
They are pictured to the left/below with Two of the Frenchman the father
and uncle of Georges Gadioux who assisted in hiding them.To the lower Rigt is Lt. Grant and his wife Arlene who at that time
were living in Garrison N. Dakota. The aircraft was shot down on 5 Mar 44 near Niort, France(area of Cognac) and was listed
as missing in a letter to her 22 Aug 44.
The last 4 lines of this E & E Reort did
not copy--here is the balance
At the hospital the Gestapo get enough information to arrest the entire family and set off after the second family
with whom we had stayed. Luckily warning again came in time and the entire family took the woods.
The Germans finnaly arrested the local mayor and sent him to a concentrationcamp, because he had not reported
If you know anyone on this crew list in particular Eddie Guridy
and /or Richard Grant please contact Georges Gladiox, 25 Fief de La Montange,17.120 SEMUSSAC,France.
Richard visited in 1995 and it is believed that he now lives in Columbus,NC. I have not heard from
Eddie Guirdy my father who hide them today died and lived as Raymond Gadioux 16.240 La CHEVERIE
Date: Sun, 4 Jul2004 12:30:11 EDT
Subject: Re: Topic: 448th BGp 715th Sq Lt. Grant Sgt Guidry
Crew 73
Good evening,
Thank you for your message.
It{*he*} is correct but incomplete.
I am sorry but I do not correctly speak English and I send
you this massage by means of an electronic translator.
Richard GRANT came
in France in 1995 to visit me. It{*he*} lived in this time to 120 Oakwood LaneCOLOMBUS N.C .28722 I
have him{*her*} write and the letter returned with the mention "unknown at this address"
I ask for your help{*assistant*} to know the new address.
Thank you infinitely.
Georaes The above has just been received from Georgaes If you
live in COLUMBUS NC can you see if Richard still lives there and inform him that George is seeking him and Guirdy.Please Direct
him to my 448th Web site "Harold's Tribute to 448th BGp", the B 24 Best Web or to the B24 Best Web Message Board.