448thBGp Other Crews

Crew 57 Lt. MacVean/ Lt Hurley
715th BGp Crew 108
Crew 27 (Kain)
Crew 57 Lt. MacVean/ Lt Hurley
Crew 73
Warke /Floyd Crews
Mains Crew
CO 714th Sq G.Stringfellow
B24 our Honey
Edward W Cole 343rd
100th/303rd BGp B17
15th AAF Charles O Cole
15th AAF David Aiken
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This Crew was a replacement crew assigned to the 714th Sq on
25 May 44. The original crew is listed below.

Crew 57

Lawrence E. Camey2/LtGlaviot, Ohio Bombardier (KIA)

John (Jack) E. Hurley 2/Lt. Des Moines, Iowa Co-Pilot Evaded

Peter D. MacVean 2/Lt. Rockville Center New York Pilot Evaded

John Savich 2/Lt Navigator Detroit Michigan (POW)

Seated left to right

Charles E. Messerli T/Sg1. Radio OperatorlTop Turret Council Bluffs, Iowa (POW)

Leo Williams Sg1. Left Waist Gunner Nashville Ark. (Evaded)

Harry Pace T/Sg1. Engineer S1. Louis, Missouri (Evaded)

Robert W. Slack Sg1. Tail Gunner Burley Idaho (KIA)

Marshall W. Adamson S/Sg1. Right Waist Gunner South Dakota

John J. Ruelle Sg1. Nose Gunner MichiQan (POW)

The four men that evaded were back in London by the 19th of August 1944.Sg1. Messerli,Adamson and Ruelle were POW at Stalag Luft 4 until the war ended.L1.Savish was a POW at Stalag Luft 1.

If you know any of these individuals Hurley would like to hear from you. You may make contact at: JMATTHURL@aol.com

Anything you may know about them will be appreciated.

The original Crew 57 was assigned Aircraft # 42-52100 to Fly the southern route to England
Lt.Elmer H. Hammer Jr(P)            F/O Morgan Goodpasture (CP Lt. Morris A Thompson (N)          Lt. Roger E. Cuddeback (B)
Sgt Edwin J Wingfeild (E)             Sgt Thaddus M Domzalski (RO Sgt Arthur R Krueger(As't EN)     Sgt Francis A Farris (G)
Sgt Melvin P Rosencranz (G)        Sgt. Fred G Rowe (G)

It is known this crew crashed once in England. I believe it was on their first mission. Anyone have other details I would like to hear from them. I believe all crew members were safe and returned . I also believe it was last days of Dec 43 and the same mission one of our Crew was flying as make-up and was lost to POW status. I will try to research this more. Also as to why this crew was replaced.


To "Harold's Tribute to 448thBGp Crew48"

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24 MAY 2005